Henrico VA Crime News – Shots Fired near Regency Square

Shots Fired – Henrico VA Crime News

Henrico Bail Bond NewsThe Henrico VA Crime news for this post focuses on shots fired in the Regency Square Mall area.

According to an NBC12 News article, dated August 7, by Brent Solomon, two men have been arrested and charged for shots fired just outside the Regency Square Mall. The details stated that the Henrico police found several men nearby at the time the incident occurred. Two of these men were arrested and now face criminal charges.

The two arrested for the incident were William King and Orlando Carter. Mr. King is charged with two counts of malicious wounding, two counts of firearm use in commission of a felony (first offense), maliciously discharge of a firearm, and a DWI, first offense. He remains in custody with no bail bond. Mr. Carter was charged with assault.

The incident occurred just before closing time. A nearby Pizza Hut was open at the time of the shooting. This restaurant is where police say one of the bullets landed. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the restaurant did close for the night.

This location in the Henrico is regarded as a safe, middle class neighborhood. So many people are very concerned about this.

To quote from the article,

“Terrible. It’s terrible,” said Alsuin Preis.
“It’s very concerning because this has always been a nice middle class area and this stuff starts creeping in and it’s really scary,” Preis said.

“I had just walked to my car at 730 to leave work. It could have been a much different situation,” said J.D. Hobbs of Emerge Salon. She works nearby and is alarmed an argument may have led to gun violence.

“Someone could’ve left home in a bad mood and then they get someplace else and take their frustrations out on someone else,” Hobbs said.

“We run over there from time to time but don’t really hear about any negative,” Michael Pressner added. “Wouldn’t you? I just hope this is an isolated incident and not going to be a trend…We’ll definitely be a little more cautious,” Pressner said.

However, this incident is not the first of it’s kind in this area. Earlier in the week, as another Henrico VA Crime News incident, a robbery occurred at a nearby Boost Mobile store. So far, arrests have yet to be made for that crime. This Henrico community is anxious to have these types of criminal incidents to stop.

The Regency Square mall management has the safety of their customers and staff as their top priority. Mall officials stated the area is routinely monitored by a very highly trained security team. The mall officials and staff are currently working with the Henrico police in the investigation.

If you have any additional information regarding this crime or any other Henrico VA crime news, call the Henrico police at (804) 501-5000.

If you are arrest pertaining to Henrico VA crime news, or for any other reason in the greater Richmond, Virginia area, call Aarrow Bail Bonds at 804-833-2785 to get out of jail fast.