Fugitive: Brandon Brown on Felony Charges in Richmond Circuit Court

Fugitive: Brandon Brown on Felony Charges in Richmond Circuit Court

Brandon BrownFugitive Brandon Brown failed to appear in the Richmond City Circuit Court on August 25th, 2015 on felony drug charges.

Brown has also caught the attending of Richmond Police. From a story on WTVR 6 about Brandon Brown, Brandon Brown is wanted by the Richmond Police for arson and attempted murder. The incident occurred on August 9th on Clarkson Road, where Brown had apparently started a fire in the living room by igniting a mattress and box spring. However, he had apparently locked his girlfriend inside a different room in the apartment by jamming the door, making it difficult for her to escape. The woman fortunately managed to escape unharmed.

Although proving himself to be not very smart; infact, very much of a dumbass, Brandon S. Brown should be assumed to be dangerous.

If you have any information of the where-a-bouts of Brown, please call Aarrow Bail Bonds at 804-833-2785, Richmond Fire Investigator Andre Roberts at 804-646-6814, or Metro Richmond Crime Stoppers at 804-780-1000.

Richmond City Circuit Court Map

Richmond City Circuit Court

400 N 9th St
Richmond, VA 2219

Phone: (804) 646-6537